Friday, May 3, 2024

Connect with CSE Career Services over the summer

As the semester concludes, remember that you can schedule appointments this summer with a career counselor. Career counselors can assist with resume or cover letter writing, interviewing skills, evaluating or negotiating a job offer, exploring career ideas within your major, internship and job searches, and more.
Connect with CSE Career Services!

As the semester concludes, remember that you can schedule appointments this summer with a career counselor. Career counselors can assist with resume or cover letter writing, interviewing skills, evaluating or negotiating a job offer, exploring career ideas within your major, internship and job searches, and more.

You can also review our YouTube video playlist for career fair prep, resume, and interviewing advice.

To learn more about Career Services or to schedule an appointment, visit the Career Services website. If you have any questions, please contact CSE Career Services at

CSE Career Services