Friday, May 3, 2024

CSE student group awards announced

Congratulations to the CSE student groups and individuals recognized for their achievements and dedication to student engagement over the past academic year. Nearly 80 CSE student organizations work to engage students and build transferable skills that will set them apart from the others. See the full list of award winners.
Check out the CSE Group Awards!

Congratulations to the CSE student groups and individuals recognized for their achievements and dedication to student engagement over the past academic year. Nearly 80 CSE student organizations work to engage students and build transferable skills that will set them apart from the others.

Rookie of the Year
  • The AI Club
    The AI Club launched officially in the summer of 2023 and has since been highly active on campus. It has hosted numerous events, including workshops, guest speakers, and collaborations with other student groups. The club consistently draws strong attendance at its events and regularly engages with faculty. With a robust online presence, it acknowledges the interest in AI among students. Overall, the group aims to provide opportunities to gain experience in this field through technical and speaker events.
  • Data Science Club
  • The Data Science Club (DSC) exemplifies a high standard of excellence through the multiple successes it has achieved since its debut this semester. From its early meetings, it has witnessed genuine interest and engagement in the topic of Data Science. The club boasts a diverse team of officers who collaborate effectively, bringing a wide range of perspectives and ensuring the smooth operation of the group. The DSC has hosted successful guest speakers and panel discussions, offering a valuable community to students interested in the field of data science.
Most Improved Student Group: National Society of Black Engineers
  • The National Society of Black Engineers (NSBE) exhibited significant growth this year, achieving a 50% membership increase and demonstrating its commitment to sustainability and growth. It hosted successful pre-college events, inspiring future STEM leaders at local elementary schools. The organization revitalized its presence on campus with partnerships and collaborations with other CSE groups, promoting unity and diversity in STEM fields. NSBE's remarkable growth, engagement, and impact this year underscore its dedication to excellence and commitment to empowering members for success in academia and beyond.
Outstanding Student Group Program or Event
  • "INCOSE x AI: AI in Precision Medicine," The AI Club
  • The AI Club's event on AI in Precision Medicine was a successful collaboration between the group and the International Council on Systems Engineering. Dr. Rodolphe Katra, Vice President of AI at Medtronic, delivered a keynote address on AI in medicine and its future prospects. The event featured networking opportunities with representatives from various industries. Attendance was high, with active participation from students and faculty.
  • "50 SWEet Years at the UMN," Society of Women Engineers
  • The Society of Women Engineers (SWE) at the University of Minnesota celebrated its 50th anniversary at the UMN by hosting '50 SWEet Years at the UMN.' The goals of the event were to bring together current and past SWE-UMN members to celebrate the accomplishments of this impactful organization and to empower female-identifying students to continue on their education path. The event showcased SWE’s history, goals, and accomplishments. Attendees included current students and alumni of the University. One individual stated that the program was inspirational and said, 'It made me excited to become an engineer.'
  • "CSE Career Fair Prep," National Society of Black Engineers
  • The National Society of Black Engineers hosted a weeklong series of events designed to prepare students for an upcoming career fair. Throughout the week leading up to the fair, the group organized informative and engaging events. These included a LinkedIn and headshot event, providing members with the opportunity to enhance their professional online presence. They also hosted a session on networking with recruiters, equipping members with valuable skills and strategies for making meaningful connections. Additionally, they collaborated with the Twin Cities Professional Chapter to host a resume review workshop and conducted an elevator pitch workshop to help members craft concise and impactful introductions to prospective employers. They also organized a technical mock interview prep session with SPS Commerce. These events had a significant impact on empowering students to succeed in their career endeavors.
Outstanding Student Group Advisor: Paul Imbertson, National Society of Black Engineers
  • Paul Imbertson, professor in electrical and computer engineering, has served as an advisor for the National Society of Black Engineers (NSBE) for 21 years. His expertise and proactive support have played a key role in advancing NSBE’s Pre-Collegiate Initiative, connecting with schools, and guiding the organization through challenges. Moreover, his mentorship has been a cornerstone of the group's stability and progress. Professor Imbertson is dedicated to his role as advisor, extending a helping hand to members in various ways, such as writing letters of recommendation that have opened doors for students. He participates in weekly board meetings, encouraging members to develop their unique leadership styles and empowering them to confidently step into their roles. As he concludes his tenure as advisor, NSBE recognizes his unwavering dedication, mentorship, and commitment to empowering its members.
Outstanding Student Leader: Anthony Brogni, UMN Robotics
  • Anthony Brogni, the president of University of Minnesota Robotics, assumed the position during a period of transition. He oversaw the transition and coordination of workspaces as the group moved from one building to another. This was a crucial role for an active project-based student group. He is also an active member of the group’s project team, Lunabotics, serving as a programmer. Additionally, he supported the creation of a new project team for competition. He treated all projects fairly as a leader during this time. Overall, Anthony has done a phenomenal job nurturing, supporting, and accommodating opportunities for students through robotics, especially in encouraging extraordinary achievements and fostering a deeper connection to robotics, engineering, and STEM subjects.
Outstanding Student Group: University of Minnesota Robotics
  • The University of Minnesota Robotics program stands out due to its diverse programs and the significant impact they have on students. With offerings such as NASA Lunabotics, Robot in 3 Days, and RoboMaster, students gain hands-on experience in CAD, design, software, and hardware development. Graduates have secured positions in esteemed companies like Collins Aerospace, John Deere, TikTok, and DoorDash Labs, showcasing the effectiveness of the skills taught. The program also emphasizes soft skills essential for teamwork. Additionally, social events and networking opportunities further enrich the student experience.
CSE Student Services