Friday, September 29, 2023

Register for Electroposium 2023: Shaping the Electrified Future on Monday, Oct. 9

Explore the latest technological advancements in the future of electrification at the Minnesota Center for Electrification Opportunity's (CEO) "Electroposium 2023: Shaping the Electrified Future," on Monday, Oct. 9, at McNamara Alumni Center. Hosted by CSE's Technological Leadership Institute, the Electroposium will feature hands-on training, informational sessions, breakout sessions, and networking with industry professionals and academic experts. The event is free for University of Minnesota students.
Learn about electrification!

Explore the latest technological advancements in the future of electrification at the Minnesota Center for Electrification Opportunity's (CEO) "Electroposium 2023: Shaping the Electrified Future." 

Hosted by CSE's Technological Leadership Institute, the Electroposium will feature hands-on training, informational sessions, breakout sessions, and networking with industry professionals and academic experts. The event is free for University of Minnesota students. 

Electroposium 2023: Shaping the Electrified Future
Monday, Oct.9, 2023
1-5 p.m.
McNamara Alumni Center

The event focuses on the role of education in creating the next generation of electrification experts, innovators, and leaders. Attendees can explore how academic institutions, industry, and students can collaborate to bridge the skills gap and meet industry demands.

Attendees also will learn about the career pathways in the electrification field, from research and development, to manufacturing, and beyond, and network with industry pioneers and fellow enthusiasts to explore job prospects and internships.

For more information and to register, visit the Electroposium 2023 website.

Technological Leadership Institute