Friday, April 26, 2024

BME first-year students: Study abroad in spring 2025

Are you a Biomedical Engineering (BME) first-year student who is interested in studying abroad for a semester? Typically, the spring semester of sophomore year is the key time for BME majors to go abroad. Recommended study abroad programs for BME students include the University of Limerick in Ireland and Budapest University of Technology and Economics in Hungary.
Study abroad in spring 2025!

Are you a Biomedical Engineering (BME) first-year student who is interested in studying abroad for a semester? Typically, the spring semester of sophomore year is the key time for BME majors to go abroad.

Study abroad programs that are typically good fits for BME students include:
There are always other options, depending on what you need to fulfill spring of sophomore year.

BME is a very sequential major, however every student in the major is unique in the courses that they have taken. Get in touch with CSE International Programs to discuss courses you are hoping to take spring semester 2025 and which programs would work best for you.  

The CSE International Programs offer appointments both in person and virtually, including during the summer. 

For more information and to schedule an appointment, visit the Learn Abroad website.

CSE International Programs